A Classic Yet Elegant Salamanca!

"Salamanca lies smiling on its three hills. Sleeps to the sound of mandolins. And wakes up startled by the shouting of its students." – Victor Hugo

Students! It would be the first thing come up to mind when talking about Salamanca. Situated in the central of Spain, Salamanca has become home for both Spanish and International student. On the top of that, it’s said that Miguel de Cervantes was one of the student of University of Salamanca.

Pisa, Where The Miracles Happen!

When I was a child, I loved to stare to the pictures of the seven-wonders of the world in my text-book. One of them was The Leaning Tower of Pisa. Since then, I dreamt of going to Italy one day. At that time, I used to think that the Leaning Tower was in Rome, just like Colosseum.