Ciao, Roma!

3 August 2010. I’ve been dreaming to go to Rome for my whole life. Yep, Olimpico is my main destination. I’ve been a Laziale since the first time I watched football. I always keep in my mind that I have to go to Rome one day to visit Olimpico.

It was sunny morning in Madrid and I was heading off to Barajas Airport. Met 4 Indonesian students who was studying in Holland while queueing in check-in counter. To be honest, I was bit worried with my Spain visa. Well, the head officer of Visa Department of Spain Embassy in Jakarta already told me that my visa was also valid in all schengen countries, but still it didn’t reduce my worried until the check-in staff gave me the boarding pass. Yay.. Rome, I'm coming!!

Landed in Ciampino Airport at around 1 pm. After put all my staffs in the hotel, I was heading off to Colosseum. Still couldn’t believe that I was in Rome. Lots of people were queueing to buy tickets to go inside the Colosseum. I was struggling so hard to decide whether to go inside and pay for 12 euros.  Finally, I thought this opportunity maybe only came once in my life time, so I had to go inside to experience the Rome imperium despite of the expensive price. But when I got inside, felt like I was just robbed. No more greatness left inside the arena that was once used for gladiators battle. Only mossy and dull pillars. As a major attraction in Rome, this arena really needs restoration.

You will find a triumphal arch called Arco di Constantino just besides the Colosseum. It was built to celebrate the victory of Constantine I over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge.

Foro Romano & Monumento a Vittorio Emanuelle II
At the opposite of the Colosseum, there is a complex surrounded by the ruins of several ancient buildings called Foro Romano. This complex was once a city center of Rome Ancient life. No chance to get inside the complex, so I headed to Monumento a Vittorio Emanuelle II. From its name, we can guess that the monument was actually built to honour Vittorio Emanuelle II. He was the first king to unify Italy. That’s why he was called King of Italy. If you look carefully to the structure of the building, ‘the wedding cake’ maybe come up in your mind. But Italian used to think that the structure looks like the typewriter.

The famous Fontana di Trevi was my next destination. Throw your coin into the fountain and you will come back to Rome one day. I actually don’t believe with this legend, but to throw a coin into the fountain is not a big deal either. So I just did, but later I found out I did it in the wrong way.  You have to throw it with your back facing to the fountain, and throwing it with your right hand over your left shoulder.

From Fontana di Trevi, I walked to Pantheon. This Roman Gods temple was currently in renovation. The condition of this building was just like the arena inside the Colosseum. It was not well maintained. The walls of the building looked really dull.

My journey for this day ended in Piazza Navona. The sun started to disappear below the horizon when I got there. But this square was still very crowded. Some painters had small street-gallery while showing their skill in painting. Many street performers tried to entertain the visitors. A few couples enjoyed the romantic evening while listening to the gurgling water from Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers).

I got trouble going back to hotel. Walking through the dark and lonely streets was an experience that I don’t want to repeat. My heart beats were back to normal when I finally reached the hotel at 11 pm.

4 August 2010. Today was a day to visit Olimpico. Stadio Olimpico is located at Via Foro Italico, north of Rome. To get there, take tram number 2 near Flaminio Metro Station and get off at the last stop Piazza Mancini. From this stop, you still need to walk across the Fiume (river) Tevere to reach the stadium.

I wanted to cry as I walked through the gate of the stadium. Still couldn't believe my feet were already on Olimpico ground. Feel bit disappointed after knowing the fact that no stadium tour, which means I couldn't get inside the stadium. The only way to get inside is on the matchday. At the end I just spent my time outside the curva nord, the side of the stadium where Laziali used to gather.

Olimpico is part of Foro Italico sports complex. You will find other sport facilities like Stadio de Marmi which is located at the north of Olimpico. It's a stadium with small track and field arena. Surrounded by 60 marble statues of athletes, make this stadium unique.

No official Lazio store in the stadium, only a small kiosk near the Fiume Tevere. Unfortunately, they didn’t sell the original jersey. So, I just bought a scarf there.

It was already 12.00 in the middle of the day as I finished visiting Olimpico, and had to cancel my plan to go to Piazza di Spagna. I had to find Lazio Store near Termini Station that I saw from the bus the day before upon my arrival in Rome. Smile came up in my face when I finally found the store in Via Farini and the home jersey of my size was available. Everything related to Lazio was available in this store.

I had to say good bye to Rome as my train left for Pisa at 15:46. Ciao, Roma! I definitely will return one day to experience watching my beloved SS Lazio together with thousands of Laziali in Stadio Olimpico.

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