I left my heart in Segovia!

17 July 2010. Wow, I am in Rome”, those words spontaneously came out as I got off from the bus. In front of me, the great Acueducto was just standing solidly soaring into the sky. Constructed based on Roman civil engineering, it’s used to supply water to the higher place of the city. With 28 meters of heights, it’s comprised by 166 arches and supported by 120 pillars. Located in Plaza del Azoguejo, Acueducto has already become the main attraction in Segovia.

There are a few small cafes near the Acueducto. I had my favorite café con leche before heading to Casa de Los Picos. The house that has façade covered with diamond-shaped stones, was built by a noble man ‘Juan de la Hoz’ in 15th century. It’s now mainly used for the exhibition of an art gallery.

Casa de Los Picos - Iglesia des San Martin - Catedral de Segovia
From Casa de los Picos, I continued walking to Plaza de Juan Bravo. There is a mozarabic church with romaesque style called ‘Iglesia de San Martin’. Near this church, you will find Siren Sphinx of Statue.

Plaza Mayor is five minutes walking from Iglesia de San Martin. It has plenty of cafes, restaurants, and souvenir shops around the square. There is also a circular stage in the middle of the square. If you want to hang out with friends, Plaza Mayor is one of a good choice.

The famous Catedral of Segovia lies in one corner of Plaza Mayor. Located in the highest point of the city, it has become the last gothic cathedral built in Spain.

We had a break for lunch and free time before we headed to our last destination. My classmate ‘Flora’ and I spent our free time window shopping. As we got back to Plaza del Azoguejo, I decided to climb up the stairs near the Acueducto. Flora preferred to wait for me downstairs. On my halfway, found out an outdoor restaurant just besides the Acueducto. I think it will be nice & romantic to have dinner in this restaurant. As I reached to the top, I was really impressed with how beautiful this city is.

Alcazar de Segovia
Our last destination was Alcazar of Segovia. It can be reached by walking from Plaza Mayor. It just reminded me of the castle I used to see in a fairy tale book. Eventhough was originally built as a fortress, it had also served as a residence for Spanish Royal. There are a courtyard, an armory room, and a throne room inside this castle. You can go to the top of the castle and enjoying a great view of the surrounding hills and the city walls of 6th century from there. It also has many underground levels which were once connected to other palaces of the city.

The view of Segovia from the top of Alcazar
Excursion to Segovia was part of my summer course program at University of Valladolid. This beautiful city lies between Valladolid and Madrid. If you are in Madrid, you can take train from Chamartin Station and it needs about an hour to get there.

People used to think Barcelona as the most beautiful city in Spain. But for me, it’s Segovia. A small city where I would like to have a romantic date with my other half one day. Oh, I left my heart in Segovia!        

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